Print of the Year 2015

photo by Bob Hopson
As a young child and through her teen years, Sherrie created art using paint and pencil. Her interest in photography sparked in high school with her first 35mm camera. She taught herself to process and print black and white film, and later color, in a fully functional darkroom built by her father in their basement. Many years later with the transition to digital, Photoshop became her darkroom and her passion for photography intensified.
Formerly from Dutchess County, NY, Sherrie became a resident of Saratoga County in 2014. She is currently a member of Professional Photographer’s Society of NYS (PPSNYS) Capital Champlain Section, and continues as Newsletter Editor for the Hudson Valley Section since 2013 in addition to her active membership in DRPP where she served as Treasurer from 2013 to 2014. Sherrie has received a number of awards in professional local and state competitions including PPSNYS “Rookie of the Year,” and “Photo Northeast Court of Honor” (2013); PPSNYS “320 Club” (2014 and 2015); and “PPSNYS Court of Honor” (2015).