Monthly Program

Jim Christensen


“Street Photography”

Jim Christensen is a retired computer scientist from the IBM Watson Labs.  He’s the founder of the Photographers or Northern Westchester, and the president of the Croton Council on the Arts (which publishes a literary and art journal, runs the huge Hudson River Arts & Crafts Festival, and is home to the community of creative artists in Croton-on-Hudson).

Photography sounds so easy (you just push a button) but turns out to be hard… and so it is with Street Photography.  You DO have to push the button, but in addition there’s cultural norms, the “probe effect”, stealth, composition, storytelling, .. what we might call “street smarts” for photographers.  I’ll share what I’ve learned at DRP on June 12.

We’ll also take a brief look at the emergence of a new set of creative tools for digital photographers and artists: those power by the “Gen-AI” technologies.

There will be something for everyone, and plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions so you can apply some of what I’ve learned to your work.

About Jim

Jim Christensen is a retired computer scientist from the IBM Watson Labs.  He’s the founder of the Photographers or Northern Westchester, and the president of the Croton Council on the Arts (which publishes a literary and art journal, runs the huge Hudson River Arts & Crafts Festival, and is home to the community of creative artists in Croton-on-Hudson). 

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