Fall, 2013
Print Competition Winners
Frank Dispensa and Frank Bulfamante were the Judges
for our Fall 2013 Print Competition held in September 2013
(Roll your cursor over the images to view the winning prints).
Best in Show
“Hard To Fill Them”
by Dale Leifeste
Judges’ Comments: Best in Show: This is a “Perfect Title” – since the viewer immediately recognizes that this image is President Abraham Lincoln’s shoe in the Statue of him at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. In a Black & White Image, we want to see the detail in both the Black and the White areas – this Image does have detail in both. The double pinstripe is great.
First Place
“Room With a View”
by Vickie Muller
Judges’ Comments: This image has “Impact” – it’s incredibly striking! Technically it’s a very good image. However, that being said, since we can see someone standing outside through the window, and he is apparently “the Subject”, I think that he should be in the Title. It’s a very dynamic image, but the mounting could be better. I recommend that the maker reprint this image with better mounting, and re-title it, and this print will score even higher!
Second Place
“Sol Survivor”
by Don Smith
Judges’ Comments: Great Title! It’s immediately obvious that this boot somehow survived the total devastation in this room. Rather than having the boot facing directly forward, I suggest that it be turned to about a 45 degree angle so that more of the boot would be visible in the image. Also, a “spotlight” effect should be used to provide more-focused lighting on the boot since it’s “the Subject” and should be emphasized. The white on the left side of this image is too bright – very distracting – it should be cropped out of the image.
Third Place
“The Badlands”
by Janet Snyder
Judges’ Comments: The large triangular rock in the center – should NOT be dead-center in the photograph. Use the “Rule of Thirds”, and place it off-center in one of the four cross-intersecting lines – wherever you think it would look best. The color of the border for this image “kills me”! A Black Glossy border would greatly improve this image’s presentation.